Seagreens® Information Service  0845-0640040 / +44-1444-400403
The foundation of health

Seagreens® are not conventional ‘nutritional supplements’ which are usually formulations of vitamins and minerals, herbs or other ingredients, nor are they conventional 'foods' which chiefly provide protein, carbohydrates, and fats for energy production.

Seaweed is unusual in that its principal value in human nutrition is as a source of all the micronutrients, including the minerals and trace elements which are rich in the oceans, but comparatively poor in agricultural soils and even other sea foods.

Seagreens® should not be confused with deeper water seaweeds like kelp, properly called Laminaria, nor microalgæ like Spirulina and Chlorella which are fresh water varieties of blue-green algæ grown in tanks or lakes, nor 'gourmet' seaweeds produced as vegetables for the plate.

Seagreens® are for use in or on our normal food or drink at between 1 and 4 grams per day (a quarter to a full teaspoon of the finer forms), which provides a complete balance of all the micronutrients missing or hard to obtain from a mainly land food diet, even when it includes fish and shellfish.

The traditional Japanese diet contained on average 4.6 grams per day of a variety of different species. In Europe, the United States, Australia and elsewhere we are gradually bringing seaweed into the daily diet to replace micronutrients, not to provide but to balance protein, carbohydrate, fats and energy which we readily obtain from other foods.

Whilst the amount of Seagreens® eaten each day is insufficient to live on by itself, the body does not benefit from larger amounts of micronutrients which at higher levels, in any case become toxic.

Magnesium, for example, down by a quarter in land vegetables since 1940, is required for over 300 different daily enzyme reactions; zinc, down 59% in the same period, for more than 200; the list is long and hugely significant! Selenium which is vital in micrograms, is toxic at much higher levels.

Seagreens® Wrack species typically have 8 times more magnesium and 100 times more iodine than any land vegetable, 14 times more calcium than cow’s milk, and more zinc than the average for the species.

Iron in farmed meat has decreased by more than 50% in the past 50 years and in land vegetables it is down by a quarter.

Seagreens® has more iron than the commonly known red seaweed Dulse, which itself has 200 times more iron than beet greens, the richest land vegetable.

A teaspoon of Seagreens® has more iron than a plate of broccoli (which has also lost 75% of its calcium since 1940) and contains special polysaccharides which help prevent bacteria (helicobacter pylori) and cancer-causing proteins from attaching to the lining of the colon.

For most of us therefore, Seagreens® can feed the foundation of our health on a daily basis.

Over the years we have received more than adequate confirmation from consumers and medical practitioners to know that in most cases, the results will include more consistent and available energy, better digestion and metabolism, stronger resistance to illness and faster recovery, and healthier hair and skin - and even eyesight!